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Timetables to be available online only this fall

April 5, 2006

Beginning in the fall, the fall and spring Timetable will be offered online only. However, the paper version of the summer Timetable will continue to be produced.

The university has had a Timetable on the Web since 1994. Once online course enrollment was introduced in 2002, use of the paper Timetable declined significantly, with distribution dropping from 43,000 copies in the fall of 2002 to less than 8,500 this spring.

The decision to move to a paperless format was a collaborative process, including surveys of peer institutions (UW-Madison is the last Big Ten school to switch to a paperless system), focus groups to measure need for a printed Timetable and research on user patterns.

Timetable options include up-to-the-minute class search, which students can access to enroll for classes through the My UW Student Center and faculty and instructors can access through the My UW Faculty Center; a public-access Web timetable that will be refreshed every 15 minutes for enrollment information, with other information updated nightly; and a printable PDF Timetable, from which anyone can print entire course listing sections or selected pages or search within Adobe Reader capabilities.

To learn more, visit