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Five Questions With…

February 28, 2006

Cindy Bauer provides administrative support for 14 unclassified staff members at the Waisman Clinical BioManufacturing Facility, which delivers manufacturing and testing services to academic researchers and industry partners for a range of pharmaceuticals. Bauer has worked at UW–Madison for 34 years.

1. What has made you want to continue working at UW–Madison?

The people, especially my first boss and the one I have now. Plus, being around the students — they are the reason I have a job. Being able to be with people at different ages and in different professions is what makes the campus such a unique and interesting place to work.

2. What do you like about your job?

Helping my co-workers with anything they need so they can do a better job, and the hope that our facility can do something good for those less fortunate.

3. What is your favorite memory of UW–Madison?

Meeting Michael J. Fox when he toured our facility on Feb. 1, 2005.

4. What is your favorite place on campus and why?

Babcock Hall Ice Cream Shop because of all the fun trips I’ve made there through the years with my best friend.

5. If a friend or family member who had never been to campus before was coming for a visit, where would you take them and why?

I’d start at the Memorial Union because of its history, architecture and location. But each building on campus has something unique and special about it.