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Submit a Nomination for the 2023 Administrative Improvement Award 

December 14, 2022

Nominations are now open for the 2023 Administrative Improvements Awards, sponsored by the vice chancellor for finance and administration. Award recipients will be recognized at a ceremony immediately following the Office of Strategic Consulting’s Showcase event on Thursday, April 20, 2023.

The Administrative Improvement Awards started in 2013 and recognize UW–Madison employees who demonstrate creativity, forward-thinking, and dedication to advancing the core teaching, research, and outreach mission.

Nominees must have demonstrated outstanding work in customer service, process design or redesign, innovation, or development that has resulted in improved effectiveness and efficiency, new revenue growth, cost or time savings, improved service delivery, or other benefits.

“UW-Madison has a lot of really smart and creative people who work hard, often behind the scenes, to make sure we offer the best teaching, research, and public service experience possible,” Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Rob Cramer said. “The Administrative Improvement Awards are about recognizing that work and highlighting these important contributions to our mission.”

Nominations must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, February 10, 2023. All current employees, including student employees, are eligible for the award and can be nominated as an individual or a team. Anyone associated with UW–Madison may submit a nomination. However, self-nominations will not be accepted.

An Administrative Improvement Award Review Committee will review nominations. Committee members include previous winners, administrators, and subject matter experts in improvement and innovation efforts.

Past recipients and their projects are listed online at

Questions about the Administrative Improvement Award can be sent to