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‘Wednesday Night at the Lab’ offers hands-on learning

November 29, 2005 By Cheryl Porior-Mayhew

The UW–Madison Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and the UW–Madison Science Alliance have teamed up to bring the university science experience to Madison-area residents. Through “Wednesday Nite @ The Lab” (WN@TL), a pilot series that began on November 16, 2005, the program offers many interesting topics presented by expert university professors and outreach specialists.

Upcoming sessions include:

  • Nov. 30: Smooth Swallowing – This presentation will address the normal and disordered swallowing process while providing tips to enhance the dining experience and stimulate the palate with appetizing activities.
  • Dec. 7: A Microbial Safari – Meet the tiny but vital members of the world of bacteria by examining pond scum and sea mussels, and learn how bacteria have a sense of which way is north, and how E. coli bacteria can be naughty or nice.
  • Dec. 14: Entomology – the world of bugs is not all creepy and crawly. Learn more about our insect friends and appreciate their role in our world. The session will include the hot topics in Wisconsin insects – Emerald Ash borers, bed bugs and box elder bugs, just to name a few.

All sessions, held at the Biotechnology Center from 7 – 8:30 p.m., include lectures and laboratory sections led by UW–Madison researchers and professors. People of all ages are encouraged to attend. There is no need to register in advance; free admission and parking is available in UW Lot 20. For more information, visit

WN@TL is sponsored by the UW-Madison Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) and the UW Science Alliance. OLLI is a partnership between the Wisconsin Alumni Association and the Division of Continuing Studies and provides education and enrichment programs for Madison area lifelong learners age 50 and older.

Tags: learning