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Business journalist Leckey to visit

March 10, 2005

Andrew Leckey, a long-time syndicated investment columnist for the Chicago Tribune and director of a leading national business journalism center, will visit UW–Madison this month as Business Writer in Residence for the spring semester.

Leckey, whose “Successful Investing” column has appeared in newspapers nationally for more than two decades, heads the Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism at the American Press Institute.

The Reston, Va.-based center educates journalists on business and financial topics, with an eye toward improving the quality of American business journalism.

Leckey will be on campus the week of March 28 and will meet with business and journalism students in classes and informal settings to discuss his work and the importance of business journalism. He also will meet with local journalists to discuss emerging trends and issues in business journalism.

A former business anchor on CNBC, a contributing editor for and an author of several books on finance and business topics, Leckey also was the first director of the business journalism program at the University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.

In addition, Leckey was the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award in Investment Education, given by the Investment Education Institute of the National Association of Investors Corporation, which sponsors thousands of investment clubs.

The Business Writer in Residence program is sponsored by the School of Business, the School of Journalism and Mass Communications and University Communications. The program is supported by the University of Wisconsin Foundation.

For more information about Leckey’s visit, contact Dennis Chaptman at University Communications at 262-9406 or

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