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It’s not too late to sign up for Summer Term

May 13, 2020 By Lisa Bauer

Summer Term’s first session begins on Monday, but it’s not too late to enroll in summer courses.

Open the Student Center module in My UW to start the process. Search Summer Term courses at And check out these 9 popular courses from Summer Term 2019—all online for Summer Term 2020:

1. CHEM 344: Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Introducing the basic synthesis, purification and characterization techniques of organic chemistry.

2. CURRIC 277*: Videogames & Learning. Students reflect on the merits and drawbacks of videogames and how they shape the way people think and learn.

3. ECON 101*: Principles of Microeconomics. A look at the economic problems of individuals, firms and industries.

4. BIOCHEM 501*: Introduction to Biochemistry. Chemistry, nutrition and metabolism of biological systems.

5. ECON 102*: Principles of Macroeconomics. Measurement and models of demand and supply, plus fiscal and monetary policy for unemployment, inflation and growth.

6. PSYCH 202*: Introduction to Psychology. Introduction to the study of human study of human thought, behavior, development, personality, emotion, motivation and more.

7. GEN&WS 103*: Women and Their Bodies in Health and Disease. Information on physiological processes and phenomena relating to women’s health.

8. PSYCH 225*: Research Methods. Exploring the scientific method in psychological science.

9. ESL 118: Academic Writing II. Covering critical reading, argumentation, research papers and oral communication skills.