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Cantor leads off emeritus lectures

August 27, 2001

The eighth annual Emeritus Faculty Lecture Series “Eloquence and Eminence” this fall will kick off with Joanne Cantor, professor emerita of communication arts.

The free lectures, featuring retired faculty and sponsored by the Division of Continuing Studies and the Institute on Aging, are held in the Pyle Center, 702 Langdon St., Sundays, 2-3 p.m.

  • Sept. 16: Cantor will discuss “What Can We Do About Media Violence?”
  • Oct. 21: Anthropologist James Stoltman will talk about “The Illinois Connection in Wisconsin’s Prehistoric Past.”
  • March 17: David Hayman, comparative literature, is scheduled to speak about “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Joyce’s Ulysses.”
  • April 21: Robert Auerbach, zoology, will present “Must Have Proven Grant-Raising Ability: The Effect of Research Funding on the University.”

No registration is required. To receive a brochure about the series, call Professor Emily Auerbach, (608) 262-3733.

Grant funding makes it possible to offer special assistance to hearing impaired and physically disabled adults wishing to attend the series. To request special accommodations, call Auerbach at least two weeks prior to the lecture date.

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