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April 18, 2000


Milestones covers awards, honors and major publications by faculty and staff. Send your items to Wisconsin Week, 19 Bascom Hall, or e-mail:

Pamela S. Douglas has been named chief of cardiology in the Department of Medicine at UW Hospital and Clinics. Douglas most recently was associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

At its March meeting, the Board of Regents approved the following named professorships: Paul G. Ahlquist, professor of plant pathology and oncology, to the Paul J. Kaesberg Professorship; Joseph Buongiorno, professor of forest ecology and management, to the John N. McGovern Professorship; Michael N. Gould, professor of oncology, medical physics and human oncology, to the Kelly H. Clifton Professorship; Franz J. Himpsel, professor of physics, to the Ednor M. Rowe Professorship of Physics; John W. Moore, professor of chemistry, to the W.T. Lippincott Professorship of Chemistry; Lorrie Moore, professor of English, to the Delmore Schwartz Professorship in the Humanities; and Lee M. Vogel, professor of family medicine, to the Darwin E. Smith Geriatric Chair in Family Medicine. This month the regents appointed David Ward, professor of geography and outgoing chancellor, to the Charles Kendall Adams Professorship.

N.J. Benevenga, professor of nutritional sciences and animal science, and John W. Suttie, professor of biochemistry, were named fellows of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences.

“Cartography in the Traditional African, American, Arctic, Australian, and Pacific Societies” won the James Henry Breasted Prize for 1999 from the American Historical Association. This third book in the second volume of the “History of Cartography” was deemed the best English-language book in the ancient and early medieval history of Africa, North America and Latin America. Writers for this volume were David Woodward, professor of geography, William G. Gartner, lecturer in geography, and Neil Whitehead, associate professor of anthropology.

Y. Austin Chang, Wisconsin Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, received the 2000 John Bardeen Award from the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society last month for his contributions and leadership in the field of electronic materials.

Ken Frazier, director of the General Library System, received the Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award from the American Library Association. The award recognizes significant outstanding achievement and “risk-taking” in library automation or management, development, research or services.

Morton A. Gernsbacher, Sir Frederick C. Bartlett Professor of Psychology, was appointed to serve on the American Psychological Association’s Board of Scientific Affairs through 2002. She also was named Distinguished Scientist Lecturer for 2000 by the APA.

David C. Lindberg, history of science professor, was awarded the History of Science Society Sarton Medal for his scholarship and service.

John Niederhuber, director of the UW Comprehensive Cancer Center and assistant dean for oncology in the Medical School, was elected president-elect of the Society of Surgical Oncology and vice president/president-elect of the Association of American Cancer Institutes.

Dhavan Shah, assistant professor of journalism and mass communication, received the Nafziger-White Dissertation Award from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. His dissertation is entitled “Value Judgments: News Framing and Individual Processing of Political Issues.”