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Capitol capsules

April 4, 2000

Capitol Capsules

Fetal tissue bill opposed
University officials recently sounded a warning over state legislation that threatened to criminalize path-breaking research in biomedical science, and lawmakers later set aside the measure.

Revised legislation that purports to stem alleged trade in fetal tissue (AB 808) would have prohibited even the payment of nominal, legitimate fees required to obtain donated fetal tissue for purposes of research, according to Graduate School Dean Virginia Hinshaw. She and research park director Mark Bugher sent a letter to lawmakers that said in part: “Wisconsin has a long tradition of support for biology-based industries,” the letter says. “Legislation directed at a practice that does not exist (there is no evidence whatsoever of a commercial fetal tissue trade in Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin obtains only donated tissue) creates a perception that Wisconsin is a potentially hazardous environment in which to create or grow a biotechnology business.”

Senate commends Ward
The state Senate has commended David Ward for his contributions to UW–Madison and the state as chancellor since 1993. Ward, who plans to step down Jan. 1, has devoted nearly 40 years of service to the university, the senate resolution says: “Under David Ward’s leadership, the university has substantially improved undergraduate education through improved advising, stronger core curriculum and expanded research opportunities for students,” the senate declared in the resolution.

Legislation sent to governor
Measures of interest to university employees have been approved by the Legislature and sent to the governor, who has until May 18 to take action. Among the items:

  • AB 203 would requires sprinkler systems in many UW System residence halls.
  • AB 432 would allow persons 60 or older to audit courses for free at campuses of the UW System and Wisconsin Technical College System.

More information
The text and history of all legislation can be found at billtext.html. The university’s state relations staff works to raise awareness of the value and impact of UW–Madison on Wisconsin and improve the relationship between the university and state government leaders. For information visit the State Relations Web site or contact Charles B. Hoslet, special assistant to the chancellor for state relations:, or Kristi Voss, legislative assistant: Both are in 97 Bascom Hall, 263-5510.