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War correspondent discusses Balkans action

April 4, 2000

A public lecture by acclaimed British journalist Robert Fisk will challenge the claim that the recent NATO war in Yugoslavia had “humanitarian” purposes.

Fisk’s lecture, entitled “Cancer and Guns: Reporting ‘Our’ Wars” is scheduled at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 6, 2650 Humanities, 455 N. Park St.

Free child care is available at the event. Please call in advance to make reservations.

Fisk is currently the Middle East correspondent for the London Independent. He has lived in Beirut, Lebanon since 1976 and has reported from Algeria to the Gulf States.

His book, “Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War” is a detailed and personal account of the events in Lebanon from the Civil War in the mid-1970’s through the Israeli invasion of Beirut in 1982 and beyond.

Fisk has reported on the Balkans extensively since 1991 and was recognized for his television documentary “From Beirut to Bosnia.” He spent the duration of the 1999 NATO war in Serbia and Kosovo, returning last fall to follow up the arrangements made by the NATO powers at the war’s end.