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Two faculty receive Sloan Fellowships

March 29, 2000

Two faculty members, mathematician Eleny-Nicoleta Ionel and economist Yuichi Kitamura, have been awarded prestigious Sloan Research Fellowships.

The fellowships, which carry unrestricted awards of $40,000 each to support individual recipient’s research, are among 104 awarded to promising young scholars in the United States and Canada by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation of New York. Ionel, a UW–Madison assistant professor of mathematics, is known for her work in the field of symplectic topology, the geometry of basic objects of importance to mathematicians and physicists. She joined the UW–Madison faculty in 1998.

Kitamura, who joined the UW–Madison department of economics faculty in 1998 as an associate professor, works in the area of econometrics, the branch of economics that involves the study of data and how to use it effectively.

Based in New York City, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, among other activities, works in support of academic scholarship. Sloan Research Fellowships are highly competitive, attracting nominations for North America’s brightest young scholars.