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Experts to debate privacy rights

March 28, 2000

A panel of national experts on information privacy rights will discuss current issues at the UW Law School‘s annual Kastenmeier Colloquium Friday, April 14.

“From the Bill of Rights to the Internet: Protecting Privacy Rights and Interests in the New Millennium,” is scheduled at 3 p.m. in the Law School’s Godfrey & Kahn Hall, Room 2260. Admission is free, but seating is limited.

Panelists will led by moderator Robert Gellman, a privacy and information policy consultant in Washington, D.C., specializing in health records confidentiality policy, privacy and data protection, Internet privacy, and access to government records. For 17 years he served as chief counsel to the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Government Information.

Panelists are:

  • Martin Abrams, vice president for information policy and privacy for Experian, Inc. He is responsible for Experian’s global privacy process and often speaks on business privacy issues.
  • Deirdre Mulligan, staff counsel for the Center for Democracy and Technology, where she evaluates the impact of technology on individual privacy. She works with other privacy and civil liberties advocates, the communications and computer industries, and public policy makers to strengthen fair information practices.
  • Paul Schwartz, professor of law at Brooklyn Law School, who has provided advice and testimony on informational privacy to governments in the U.S. and Europe, and has testified on the protection of privacy in health care reform before a House subcommittee.

Introducing the panel will be the Robert Kastenmeier, the former U.S. congressman whose longtime record of public service is honored each year by this colloquium. This year’s colloquium is sponsored by the dean and faculty of the Law School, the School of Library and Information Studies, the Department of Computer Science, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, and the Department of Political Science. For more information, contact Associate Dean Peter Carstensen at the Law School, 263-7416.