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College Library extends late-night service

December 13, 1999

A late-night service will provide basic research, computer and media assistance to undergraduates using College Library.

Services will now be available from 9:30 p.m.-midnight after regular staffing hours would normally be over.

“The late-night service is designed to assist undergraduate students beyond regular hours. We have a lot of users after our regular staff is gone,” says Lee Konrad, head of the College Library Computer Media Center.

A graduate student from the UW–Madison School of Library and Information Studies will aid students after hours in the main undergraduate library on campus. The reference assistant is trained in both computer consulting and research assistance. The CMC will have computer consultants on hand for questions after midnight.

The service offers students help in everything from basic database research to general assistance in using Eudora, Word, the MadCat library catalog and the Internet. It also informs students about basic multimedia resources from the CMC collection and the availability of interactive, multimedia tutorials such as Computerized Library User Education.

The drop-in service is located on the second floor of College Library. If research assistance is required from a home computer, users may call 262-2604.

A Kemper K. Knapp Bequest grant supports the service at CMC. “The grant has allowed us to extend our late-night service which was piloted last year. The sheer volume of questions has more than doubled,” says Konrad.

Other libraries will also be promoting the service by posting signs after their regular hours.