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Campus streets, parking closed during antenna installation

November 24, 1999 By Terri Gregory

The Office of Transportation Services is advising students and others who park in university lots on weekends that Lot 51 between Charter and Mills streets and Lot 91 east of the Kohl Center will be closed Saturday, Nov. 27, and possibly Sunday, Nov. 28.

An antenna tower is schedued for installation on the roof of the Atmospheric, Oceanic And Space Science Building on Saturday, or if delayed by weather or other circumstances, on Sunday.

During installation, UW–Madison Police will close Spring Street from Orchard to Mills streets and Charter Street from Dayton to Regent streets, areas which are in the flight path of a helicopter that will be used to lift the tower into place.

The installation is the first stage of a process to receive data from the Terra satellite, the first spacecraft in NASA’s Earth Observing System. Terra is planned for launch late in 1999 and will collect a stream of earth science data that rivals any ever collected before. This weekend, only the tower will be put on the roof of the building; later this winter, the receiving antenna and large translucent dome will be set on top.

No parking will be allowed overnight Friday in lots 51 and 91. For safety reasons, all vehicles must be out of both lots, and any vehicles left in the lots will be towed.. While parking will be allowed in lots 45, 53 and 54 on Saturday, Nov. 27, no one will be able to enter those lots or remove their vehicles from them between 9 a.m. and noon that day, depending on weather and other circumstances.

You can learn more about the Terra satellite, its specialized instruments and the UW–Madison connection by visiting: