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October 19, 1999


(Almanac lists facts, figures and miscellany of campus interest. Know something, or want to know? Call us: 262-3846, or e-mail:

Rankings: Hospital is consumers’ choice
UW Hospital and Clinics has been named a 1999 Consumer Choice Award winner by the National Research Corporation, a nationally recognized health care performance measurement firm.

The designation, given to just 126 hospitals nationwide, is based on a national study of consumer assessments of their health plans, personal physicians, local hospitals and health systems as well as their own current health status. This year, more than 170,000 households representing approximately 400,000 covered lives responded to the mail survey, which concluded in June.

“Consumer choice award” winners are those organizations in each market achieving the highest composite score on four measures of consumer preference: best physicians, best nurses, best reputation and best overall quality. In some markets, co-winners were chosen where findings fell within the error range for that market. UW Hospital was the only Madison hospital named and one of two in Wisconsin.

Bats in the Rath?
Just in time for Halloween, the university’s Zoological Museum will be hosting the North American Symposium on Bat Research Oct. 27-30. Bat authorities will be roosting at the Memorial Union, where the latest research on bat conservation, population biology, ecology and reproduction will be presented. In addition, a special workshop is being planned to help teachers get acquainted with bats and introduce these important animals into school curricula.

New: Labor group forming
There is a nascent institution on campus dedicated to campus worker/labor education and activism called the UW–Madison Labor Center. The UW Labor Center is a project of the UW Federation of Labor, which says it wants to nurture collaboration between UW workers, students and faculty on labor issues. Information: Paul Lachelier, 256-8961;

Did you know?
Pumpkins take a dive every year at the Hoofers SCUBA Club annual underwater pumpkin carving contest. This year, divers dunk their pumpkins in Lake Mendota Sunday, Oct. 31, at 10 a.m. off the pier by the boathouse behind Memorial Union Terrace. Information: Jaime Laluzerne, 250-4754.

Resources: IRS wants to help
The Internal Revenue Service is holding a special “Problem Solving Day” to help international students and employees who have problems related to federal income taxes. The Problem Solving Day will be held on Thursday, Nov. 4, from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m., at the Red Gym. Appointments: (414) 297-1260.

Backward glance
From Wisconsin Week, Oct. 18, 1989: The Dalai Lama tells 8,500 at the Field House that compassion is the key to happiness. … Business Dean James Hickman will step down from his post but remain on the faculty. … University officials have prepared a report detailing how they handled each of 152 complaints of discrimination or harassment during the past year. … ASPRO, the newly organized lobbying mechanism for the Academic Staff Assembly, has attracted 314 members, including Chancellor Donna Shalala.

“Diplomatic immunity does not grant a license to kill. Immunity should not be confused with impunity.”

– Juan Pablo Letelier, guest speaker
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