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Trade delegate to speak

October 8, 1999 By Ronnie Hess

John B. Richardson, deputy head of delegation in the U.S. for the European Commission, plans to discuss recent trade disputes between the U.S. and the European Union in an upcoming speech.

Richardson replaces Hugo Paemen, the European Commission ambassador to the United States, who will be unable to make his previously announced appearance. Richardson will speak at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 19, in the Biotechnology Center auditorium, 425 Henry Mall. Information: 262-5590.

While the EU is a leading trade partner of the United States, trade tensions between the two have increased recently. Earlier this year, the U.S. retaliated against an EU ban on imports of hormone-treated American beef, imposing a punitive tariff on imports of foie gras and other European-made products.

Richardson is no stranger to trade disputes. He is part of the negotiating team who works with Congress and the White House on a wide range of issues and meets regularly with other European ambassadors to Washington.

While in Madison, Richardson will meet with state and university officials, including faculty, staff and students associated with European Studies programs. His visit is being co-sponsored by the European Union Center, the Center on German and European Studies, the European Studies program, and the Center on World Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE).