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October 5, 1999


(Almanac lists facts, figures and miscellany of campus interest. Know something, or want to know? Call us: 262-3846, or e-mail:

New logo waves hello
The UW System has a new logo that will be popping up on correspondence and Web sites in the coming weeks. “The wave symbolizes the interconnectedness of the UW institutions that provide quality education and lifelong learning opportunities across the state,” UW System President Katharine Lyall says.

Governance: Regents meet
The UW System Board of Regents will meet Thursday and Friday, Oct. 7-8, in Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Dr. The board meets at 1 p.m. Thursday in Room 1820 to discuss the UW System’s information technology plan, followed by committee meetings. The board meets in full session at 9 a.m. Friday in Room 1820. For more information, call 262-2324.

Volunteer opportunities
The Community Services Committee of the Wisconsin Union Directorate is looking for volunteers to work with aging adults in a variety of programs.

Opportunities include Meals on Wheels, meal service and bingo, holiday caroling at nursing homes, grocery shopping, and many other types of services, says Cynthia Kao, WUD Aging Adult coordinator.

“A few hours here or there can help community organizations fill valuable needs of older people,” she says.

Information: 265-5002;

Resources: Benefits information
All employees are invited to find out how to take full advantage of their benefits package Monday, Oct. 18, at the university Benefits Fair. The event features seminars and presentations by vendors. Go to Great Hall, Memorial Union, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

A complete listing of upcoming Benefits Seminars and Workshops is always available at:

Backward glance
From Wisconsin Week, Oct. 6-11, 1989: A university experiment meant to understand the mysterious weather of Jupiter will be aboard the Galileo probe scheduled to launch this year on a six-year voyage to the gas giant. … The Dalai Lama will visit Madison and speak at the Field House. … UW Hospital and Clinics leads the nation in obtaining organs for transplant. … Linda Weimer, head of University News and Information Service, has been appointed director of university relations. … Law School dean Cliff Thompson has decided to step down.

“Good theater is generous. We all have a responsibility to others in the production, and to the audience. It’s absolutely the opposite of narcissism.”

– Larry Lane, guest director, “All My Sons”