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UW Hospital and Clinics announces new web site

September 16, 1999

UW Hospital and Clinics has unveiled a new web site – – offering easy access to information about UW Hospital and Clinics, UW Children’s Hospital and other UW Health entities.

“We appreciate that our patients and the general public require increasingly sophisticated information to make their health care decisions, and we hope our web site will become a valuable tool in that process,” says Gordon Derzon, CEO of UW Hospital and Clinics. “Today’s Internet technology provides an opportunity to showcase the full range of services and programs offered at our world-class medical center – all with a level of detail not possible through any other medium.”

According to one national assessment, about 22 million adults used the Internet last year for health and medical data.

User of the site can find details about clinics and services, as well as employment and volunteer opportunities, listings of health and wellness courses, news about the people and technology that make UW Hospital and Clinics one of the top-rated hospitals in the country, and much more. Of special interest is a continually updated calendar of events for the general public.

More content and links will be added frequently throughout the coming months. When fully developed, the site will offer hundreds of pages of information, including a search engine and news releases on a wide range of topics – including new medical treatments and research studies – related to UW Hospital and Clinics and the UW health sciences schools.

The site provides links to other UW Health organizations, including web sites for the UW Medical School and UW Health-University Physicians and Physicians Plus, which provides a searchable database of physicians in the UW Health system.

The UW Hospital and Clinics web site is managed by the UW Health public affairs department and hosted by the information systems department.

The web presence was established by Internet Marketing Services in Madison. A steering committee, consisting of several hospital administrators, sets priorities and guidelines for the site. Health care experts throughout UW Health provide content and review the value and integrity of links to internal and external resources.

“Keep in mind that information on the Internet does not replace medical care by a trained professional,” explains Derzon. “If people have concerns about their health, they should contact a health care professional directly.”