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UT season opener offers cast member second chance

September 7, 1999 By Barbara Wolff

The police blotter for July 12 no doubt records the nasty motorcycle spill of Wini Froelich, MFA candidate in acting.

The mishap broke Froelich’s leg in two places. While the prognosis foresees complete recovery, the operative word is “eventually.”

Performers rehearse University Theatre’s upcoming “Steel Magnolias.” From left are Carissa Koutantzis as Truvy Jones, Winifred Froehlich as Clairee Belcher and Megan Denise Smith as Shelby Eatenton. Photo: Courtesy of University Theatre

Froelich still hobbles to and fro on crutches. Nevertheless, she continues to rehearse her role of Clairee in the UT production of “Steel Magnolias.” Original plans called for Froelich to play the part in summer as well as fall, but the accident, coming as it did within days of the dress rehearsal, meant she had to hand over her role to Karole Spangler.

The September reprise of the play, however, provides Froelich with a second chance at Clairee. Despite the crutches, Froelich is determined to open the show and the new UT season Thursday, Sept. 16.

The play follows the lives of women in the deep South who patronize the same beauty salon. Froelich says the opportunity to come back will add extra depth and meaning to her performance, and her education.

“The play depends on strong ensemble acting. We’d already begun to establish that before the accident last summer, and now we’re seeing how we can renew those relationships” in an even more profound way, Froelich says.

Froelich also plans to appear in the first-ever UT-Madison Repertory collaboration, “The Three Musketeers,” opening Nov. 27, and the UT production of Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night,” opening Feb. 19.

“By the time I had my accident we were so far into rehearsals that it was very tough for me to let go of the process,” Froelich says. “I’m so grateful for this second chance – things usually don’t work out like that.”