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Nominations sought for dean of students

August 26, 1999

The search to hire a new dean of students at the university is progressing.

The 15-member search and screen committee formed this summer by Chancellor David Ward is accepting applications and nominations for the position until Friday, Oct. 1.

See also:
Dean of Students web site

The dean of students plays a leadership role in fostering and maintaining a welcoming atmosphere to students of all backgrounds. The dean oversees the various programs of the office and works closely with other campus units to ensure the delivery of key student services. The position reports to the vice chancellor for student affairs.

The current dean, Mary Rouse, began her new campus role July 1 as assistant vice chancellor for academic affairs and director of the Morgridge Center for Public Service. She will continue as dean of students until a new dean is selected.

Hardin Coleman, chair of the search committee and associate professor of counseling psychology, says candidates for the position must have extensive experience working with students from a number of cultural, social and personal backgrounds. Candidates must also have experience in program development, strategic planning and administration.

Applications and nominations can be sent to Coleman in care of Dean of Students Search and Screen Committee, UW–Madison, 500 Lincoln Drive, 133 Bascom Hall, Madison, WI, 53706. Information: (608) 262-9337.

The search and screen committee will recommend finalists to Ward, who will select the new dean of students. In addition to Coleman, the shared governance committee is comprised of faculty members Julie D’Acci, Aaron Brower, Kevin McSweeney and Hemant Shah; academic staff members Omie Baldwin, Yvonne Bushland, Richard Daluge, Barry Robinson and Akua Sarr; and student members Tshaka Barrows, Nels Bjorkquist, Adam Klaus, Theo Lesczyski and Déborah Vásquez.

Tags: learning