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Ackerman to lead weather satellite science group

July 13, 1999

Professor Steven A. Ackerman has been named director of the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies at UW–Madison.

Ackerman is a scientist in the UW–Madison Space Science and Engineering Center, where CIMSS is housed. He also is a professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.

Known as an energetic and dynamic teacher and researcher, Ackerman received a distinguished teaching award from Chancellor David Ward this year. Ackerman also researches the transport of dust and smoke in the atmosphere, and the effects of contrails and other clouds on the atmosphere. He has been a CIMSS researcher since 1987, an UW–Madison professor since 1992 and an associate director of SSEC since 1998.

“I’m excited and enthusiastic about leading CIMSS into the 21st century with continued world-class research in satellite meteorology,” Ackerman said.

The satellite research program was founded in 1980. Verner E. Suomi, founder of the UW–Madison’s Space Science and Engineering Center, was its first director. Its mission is to develop new techniques that would increase the value and usability of weather forecasts, primarily by employing weather satellite data. Since CIMSS’ founding, meteorologists from around the world-from Australia, Germany, England, China, Japan and elsewhere-have collaborated with CIMSS researchers in that effort.