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Public hearing scheduled on student records

April 20, 1999

UW–Madison plans to hold a public hearing Thursday, April 22, on possible changes to university rules governing the release of student disciplinary records.

The Student Policies and Non-Academic Policy Committee public hearing is scheduled 4-6 p.m. at Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St. Check Today in the Union for room assignment.

See also:
The report of action so far and the committee’s proposed options are available online.

The group is seeking student, faculty and staff views on limited release of some student records to parents and public release of information on campus violent crimes and some sexual offenses. After receiving comments, the group will make a recommendation to the chancellor.

The review results from recent action by Congress that amends the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, a federal law that restricts the release of student educational records. Two amendments permit, but do not require, institutions to release student records that previously have been confidential:

  • The university would have the option of making public the final results of student disciplinary proceedings when the institution has concluded that a student violated its rules and his/her conduct would constitute a “crime of violence” or a “nonforcible sex offense.” That latter term has not yet been precisely defined by federal authorities.
  • The university also would have the option of disclosing to parents or legal guardians any student violation of federal, state, or local law or institutional rules governing the use or possession of alcohol or controlled substances if the student is under 21 and the possession constitutes a disciplinary violation.

The committee, chaired by Hardin Coleman, an associate professor in the School of Education, so far has met with housing and health staff who generally support keeping current confidentiality rules. Notifying parents of student disciplinary action conflicts with the campus’s fundamental philosophy of treating students as adults, some staff have said.

The committee’s report says students consulted thus far generally say that expanded public release of disciplinary records would jeopardize trust between students and staff. The report of action so far and the committee’s proposed options are available online. Visit:

In addition to attending the hearing, campus community members can register their views in writing. Comments should be directed to: The Student Policies and Non-Academic Program Committee, c/o Dean of Students Office, attn: Assistant Dean Janice Sheppard, 75 Bascom Hall; or e-mailed to: