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Holley to speak at multicultural center anniversary

April 12, 1999

Concerns about racism on campus, raised by the Holley Commission, immediately faced Donna Shalala when she arrived as chancellor of UW–Madison over a decade ago. Shalala responded by developing a set of diversity initiatives that included the creation of UW–Madison’s then Interim Multicultural Center.

Now in its permanent home in the Red Gym, the Multicultural Student Center has been a pioneer in UW–Madison’s emphasis on beyond-the-classroom learning. Consequently, the MSC’s 10th anniversary celebration April 19-23 will showcase the opportunities it provides to students and members of the community, according to Susan Colorado, MSC assistant director and one of the anniversary organizers.

Anniversary events will begin with a kick-off reception Monday, April 19, at 5:30 p.m. in the MSC Lounge. Former UW–Madison student activist and Holley Commission chair Charles Holley will deliver the keynote address.

“While conducting his undergraduate studies, Charles fought for the rights of students of color and the improvement of the campus climate for them,” says Colorado. “He presided over the UW–Madison Steering Committee on Minority Affairs, and coordinated the efforts of faculty, staff and students on such issues as the recruitment and retention of minority students, faculty and staff; and ethnic studies and course requirements” as well as the development of the Multicultural Student Center itself, she says.

After earning his B.A. in political science from UW–Madison in 1988, Holley went on to complete a law degree from the UW–Madison Law School. He will conduct a brown bag discussion with current students of color at noon Tuesday, April 20, in the MSC Lounge.

Other events during MSC anniversary week include:

  • A panel discussion with former members of Holley’s committee, Wednesday, April 21, noon, MSC Lounge.
  • A panel discussion with members of the community, Wednesday, April 21, 5 p.m., MSC Lounge.
  • Continuous showings of the documentary “Racism on the UW Campus,” a compilation of interviews with committee members, Chancellor Donna Shalala and others, Thursday, April 22, MSC Lounge.
  • Food and entertainment in honor of the MSC’s first decade. Speaking will be UW–Madison Chancellor David Ward and Dean of Students Mary K. Rouse. Candace McDowell, MSC director, will deliver the keynote address. Friday, April 23, 5 p.m., On Wisconsin Room, Memorial Union.

McDowell has overseen the MSC since its inception as the UW–Madison Interim Multicultural Center. McDowell says the MSC will begin its second decade by expanding outreach efforts. “We’d like to have more student participation in daily programming,” she says. “We also plan to develop initiatives to increase contact students have with faculty outside the classroom.”

The MSC focuses on five recognized student-of-color groups: African American, American Indian, Asian American, Chicano and Puerto Rican. Various campus offices use the MSC to provide outreach and support services including writing instruction, career advising, counseling and tutoring. “We’re basically a place where people can learn about and appreciate various cultures and celebrate differences,” Colorado says. For more information: (608) 262-4503.