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Herbicide use planned in campus natural areas

April 12, 1999 By Brian Mattmiller

Efforts to restore and maintain native vegetation in the Campus Natural Areas’ will again involve the application of chemical herbicides.

Application may begin Wednesday, April 14 and continue through the year. The major target is garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, a highly aggressive European plant capable of smothering existing wildflowers.

“In many situations garlic mustard can be effectively controlled by prescribed fire, but without a burn program on campus, careful use of herbicide is the next best choice,” says Mark Leach, arboretum research program manager.

In selected areas, herbicide also will be used to control invasive woody plants.

For more information on the Campus Natural Areas, call the Campus Natural Areas voice mail, (608) 265-9275. The voice mail menu also includes a current list of activities and volunteer opportunities in the natural areas.