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Margaret Krome to receive 1999 Wisconsin Idea Award

March 5, 1999

Margaret Krome of the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute will be honored Tuesday, March 16 for applying the “Wisconsin Idea” to natural resource policy development and implementation.

Krome will receive the Wisconsin Idea Award in Natural Resource Policy at a banquet in the Memorial Union.

The Wisconsin Idea Award is presented annually by the School of Natural Resources in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UW–Madison. The award honors those who have made significant contributions in the area of natural resource policy and whose efforts exemplify the “Wisconsin Idea” of communication and cooperation between the university and government for the benefit of the people of the state.

Krome is agricultural policy coordinator for the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, East Troy, Wis. She is a national and state advocate for programs and policies supporting environmentally sound, profitable and socially responsible agriculture. Although Krome has not been employed by the University of Wisconsin or state government, she has worked effectively with both to promote policies and programs that have advanced the public interest.

In 1988, she led the public interest community in the creation of the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and she has been a key supporter and advisor to CIAS since then.