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UHS colloquium focuses on sexually transmitted diseases

November 18, 1998

University Health Services staff will share information on trends in sexually transmitted disease at UW–Madison and other campuses Thursday (Nov. 19) as part of a series of colloquia.

The colloquia will take place from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Memorial Union. Please check Today in the Union for exact location.

Scott Spear, associate director for clinical services, and Craig Roberts, team manager for community health, will be the presenters in a discussion focused on current trends and concerns regarding STDs in college students in general, and at UW–Madison in particular.

Topics covered include basic epidemiology prevention strategies, overview of diagnosis and treatment, and why all this is relevant to faculty and staff. Health services staff will share their expertise and experience concerning students, their lives and health concerns with the greater university community through a series of colloquia continuing next semester.

The next program is scheduled Feb. 18. “Do We Make Each Other Sick? Can We Make Each Other Well?” features Richard P. Keeling, UHS director, and Carol Lobes, associate director for prevention services, who will explain why reducing isolation and building community are key health interventions. This colloquium will explore ways and means for building community, confronting challenges to connectedness, and replacing isolation with opportunities for involvement.