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Public comment sought on Reaccreditation Project

November 4, 1998

UW–Madison is seeking comments from citizens on its overall quality and academic programs as part of its 10-year reaccreditation process. The North Central Association, the university’s accrediting body will examine the comments, as it reviews the campus’ plans to meet the reaccreditation requirements. The solicitation of public comment is one such requirement.

“The university is a public place,” says Joseph Wiesenfarth, chair of the campus reaccreditation project. “The conduct of its business reflects that fact and, in fact, celebrates that fact. Nothing less is expected of a public trust. It is in light of this that we invite the public to comment directly to the NCA on the university.”

Members of the public are asked to submit comments about UW- Madison that “address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs,” according to NCA guidelines.

Public comments can be sent to:
Public Comment on the University of Wisconsin–Madison
Commission on Institutions of Higher Education
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400
Chicago, IL 60602

The comments must be in writing and signed by the author. They should be addressed to Public Comment on the University of Wisconsin- Madison, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 30 N. LaSalle St., Suite 2400, Chicago, IL, 60602.

The public comments must be received at NCA headquarters by March 12, 1999. The comments are not confidential, and the university may be asked to respond to those that require clarification.

The university is conducting an extensive self-study as part of the reaccreditation process to review past progress and set future directions, as it did in 1988, the last time it was reaccredited. When completed, the self-study will be reviewed by NCA officials, who will conduct a comprehensive on- campus evaluation April 12-14, 1999.

For more information, contact New Directions: The Reaccreditation Project, at 263-9233, or visit: