Resolution regarding Legislative Restrictions on Fetal Tissue Research
Whereas, the Wisconsin State Legislature is considering legislation that would limit the use of fetal tissues and cell lines in research;
Whereas, the legislation as currently written would criminalize UW–Madison researchers and others in Wisconsin for knowingly providing, receiving or using for experimentation a fetal body part including cells and cell lines;
Whereas, more than 100 laboratories at the University of Wisconsin–Madison utilize these materials for their research;
Whereas, researchers working with fetal tissue at UW–Madison must adhere to an institutional policy that is more rigorous and restrictive than current federal regulations;
Whereas, research utilizing fetal tissues and cells/cell lines including research done at UW–Madison has led to breakthrough discoveries, vaccine development and advances in other medical conditions directly benefiting nearly everyone in the state of Wisconsin, the nation and the world; and
Whereas, if passed this legislation would slow or halt the development of new therapies and cures for deadly and debilitating diseases;
Therefore be it resolved, the Academic Staff Assembly at the University of Wisconsin–Madison opposes the legislation as currently written; and
Therefore be it further resolved, the Academic Staff Assembly calls on the legislature and governor to remove language with implications for research from the bill.