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Adopt-a-block program seeks volunteers

June 2, 1998

Adopt-A-Block, a relatively new program coordinated by the Physical Plant Department, is modeled after the state’s Adopt-A-Highway program. Its purpose is to involve volunteers – students, faculty and staff – in helping to improve the physical appearance of the campus and raise awareness about problems created by those who litter. The job entails cleaning up litter and other debris; Physical Plant provides the volunteers with bags, which are picked up when the clean-up is done.

Sellery Hall resident Connie Fuehrer signed up for the block where her residence hall stands, and soon the Food Science Club will be doing a springtime clean-up on the block surrounding Babcock Hall. Physical Plant staff members are serving as stewards of the block where the Service Building, the Service Building Annex and the Psychology Building are located.

Graduate student Julia Schmelzer, who heads community service activities for the Food Science Club, says she was looking for something members could do that would be “fun, easy and helpful to the community.” They decided to pitch in and clean up the area around their own building.

“We thought it would be a good thing to assume some responsibility for our own environment. We have the dairy store here and there seems to a lot of litter around outside,” she says. “We have many visitors coming to our building, and we want the area to be attractive and to reflect well on our department.”

Just as groups adopting sections of Wisconsin highways are afforded recognition via signage along their stretches of road, volunteers who adopt a campus block will be recognized with signs posted at opposite corners of their block.

Groups or individuals interested in joining the program, including sororities and fraternities, are invited to contact Gary Beck, Physical Plant assistant director, at 265-2758.