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Statement by Chancellor David Ward

February 17, 1998

Tonight’s lecture by Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition has prompted considerable discussion on campus as well as concern that the lecture will be disrupted. Below is a statement from Chancellor David Ward about the importance of the free expression of ideas on our campus.

Statement by Chancellor David Ward
Campus Freedom of Speech
February 16, 1998

Tonight Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition will be speaking on campus. His public lecture is sponsored by the Wisconsin Union Directorate as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series.

As individuals, we may or may not share Mr. Reed’s views. However, we, as members of this university community, can surely agree on Mr. Reed’s right to express his opinions on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus.

Our university has a proud tradition of protection for the free expression of ideas. For the last century we have explicitly embraced the “fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

Those who disagree with Mr. Reed’s viewpoint are encouraged to ask questions during the question and answer period following the speech, to clearly present their views at a forum they organize in a venue they select, and to continue their willingness to listen, discuss and debate tough issues.

In allowing Mr. Reed to speak on campus, unimpeded, we do not signal either support for or disagreement with his ideas. Rather, we display our deep commitment to our cherished values of truth-seeking and respect for human dignity.

I call on everyone, both within and outside of our university community, to help preserve our forum for expression.