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Radano Receives 1997 Guggenheim Fellowship

May 5, 1997

Ronald M. Radano, professor of music and Afro-American Studies, has received a 1997 Guggenheim Fellowship to study the social formation of black music in America.

Radano, a UW–Madison faculty member since 1990, is a musicologist who specializes in cross-disciplinary studies of African-American music. His research brings to the critical study of music a perspective grounded in social history and cultural studies.

The New York City-based Guggenheim Memorial Foundation chose 164 Fellows this year from among 2,876 applicants. Selection committees consider applicants’ past achievement as well as the promise of future accomplishment. Fellows this year include artists, scholars and scientists from 85 institutions, and others not associated with a specific institution. During its 73-year history, the foundation has awarded nearly $176 million in fellowships. Radano will receive approximately $30,000 from the foundation to support further research.