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Three Awarded Sloan Fellowships

February 27, 1997

Three University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty are among 100 scholars nationwide who have been awarded Sloan Research Fellowships, which are intended to help promising young scientists establish laboratories and programs of research.

The Sloan Research Fellowship Program, sponsored by the New York-based Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, was established in 1955. Fellows are selected from a pool of the nation’s best young scientists. Each fellowship includes an unrestricted grant of $35,000.

The three UW–Madison scholars cited are: Laura Kiessling, professor of chemistry; Paul A. Milewski, professor of math; and Arun Yethiraj, professor of chemistry.

Laura Kiessling Kiessling, 36, joined the faculty in 1991. A synthetic chemist, she has established a national reputation for her studies of inflammation and, more recently, helped open important new lines of research of Alzheimer’s disease as the co-developer of new experimental drugs that act to prevent the brain lesions symptomatic of that disease.

Milewski, 30, joined the mathematics faculty in 1995. His research interests lie in applied mathematics, especially in problems related to non-linear wave propagation in fluid mechanics with applications to geophysical phenomena such as atmospheric waves and water waves.

Arun Yethiraj Yethiraj, 33, joined the faculty in 1993. A theoretical chemist, he studies how the structure of polymers affects their properties. His work has important implications in a variety of fields and potential applications for such diverse things as motor oil viscosity, the protein folding problem, and gene regulation and expression.

CONTACT: Terry Devitt (608) 262-8282,