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Berquam: Vote in ASM elections

April 12, 2010 By John Lucas

University of Wisconsin–Madison Dean of Students Lori Berquam is encouraging all students to take a moment this week to participate in shared governance by voting in the Associated Students of Madison (ASM) spring elections.

Spring elections will be online from Monday, April 12 until 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 14.  

Visit to see info about the candidates and referenda before logging on to vote online.

At issue are 29 seats on ASM Student Council, two seats on the Student Services Finance Committee and officer slots for the senior class.

In addition, students will also decide two significant referenda:

• One would renovate the Natatorium in exchange for $54.19 per semester in segregated fees, beginning in the fall of 2013.

• The other will help name the new South Union. The options, to be forwarded to Chancellor Biddy Martin, are Varsity Union, Discovery Union, Randall Union or Union South.

“UW-Madison has a rich history of student involvement in governance, but shared governance only works if a critical mass of students get involved,” Berquam says. “Voting is a concrete way that every student can help shape campus.”

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