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Roundtable begins Oct. 10

September 19, 2007

Faculty and staff are invited to join colleagues and friends for lunch, listening and learning during the fall University Roundtable.

Featured this year are:

  • Wednesday, Oct. 10: Susan Riseling, chief of the University Police Department and associate vice chancellor. She’ll speak about “Campus Security: Calm Before the Storm.”
  • Wednesday, Nov. 14: Harold Scheub, Evjue-Bascom Professor of Humanities in the Department of African Languages and Literature, whose topic will be “A Storytelling Adventure.”
  • Wednesday, Dec. 12: First Wave Spoken Word and Urban Arts Community, with students presenting a poetry showcase.

Buffet lunches begin at 11:45 a.m. in Tripp Commons in the Memorial Union, although the Dec. 12 lunch will be held in the Great Hall. The cost is $9 per person or a three-luncheon series price of $25 if paid in full by Monday, Oct. 1.

Reservations are required, and the deadline to reserve is a week before each event.

To register, visit, or contact Colleen McCabe at 263-2985 or