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Five Questions With…

November 1, 2006

Photo of Janet Hagen

This week’s subject is Janet Hagen.

  1. Describe your job. How long have you worked at UW–Madison? I am a university services associate at the Student Loan Servicing Department in the Office of Student Financial Services. I have been working at UW–Madison for a little over 20 years.
  2. What made you want to work at UW–Madison? I heard UW–Madison is a good place to work. As a former high-school teacher, I enjoy working with students and like the exposure to a diverse student population on a large university campus. I continue to enjoy working here because of the access to various components of campus life (e.g., athletic facilities, theater and the arts, the State Street Library Mall action, international students, staff and faculty, the Memorial Union terrace, Lake Mendota and the lakeshore path, etc.)
  3. What is your favorite memory of the university? My favorite memory of the university is the swimming pool at the Red Gym; although I was not here when it became a co-educational facility, I’ve heard some pretty good stories about how that happened.
  4. What has surprised you or challenged you as you have continued your career here? The most challenging aspect of my working career at UW–Madison is remembering that we are all here to help provide higher-education opportunities to as many people as possible and to work together toward that goal, no matter what one’s position or one’s title. We are all ambassadors of the university in particular and of the city of Madison, in general.
  5. If you could ask anyone on campus a question, what would it be? Why is there all of a sudden so much construction going on all over campus?