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Human ecology considers not-for-profit studies option

October 4, 2006

An opportunity to explore curriculum, research and outreach development in the area of not-for-profit studies at UW–Madison is under way, thanks to a planning grant from the Oscar Rennebohm Foundation.

The School of Human Ecology is taking the lead in convening a task force of interdisciplinary faculty, staff, students and community leaders to assess interest across campus for collaboration.

The nonprofit sector is growing worldwide. Wisconsin is home to 31,000 nonprofit organizations, with 750 in the Dane County area alone.

Providing leadership to nonprofits presents unique challenges, including marketing, funding, board development, volunteer management and evaluation. The task force will assess both student and non-profit leaders’ interest in degree programs, including graduate and continuing education opportunities.

Faculty and staff interested in participating in focused and general discussions of development of the center are encouraged to contact Marc Smith at mtsmith4@wisc. edu or 262-2831 by Oct. 18.

In addition to seeking input from nonprofit professionals, the task force is evaluating undergraduate, graduate, continuing education, research and outreach programs that currently exist at Harvard, Indiana University, Case Western Reserve, Arizona State University, University of Texas, New York University, University of Michigan and other institutions.

The current focus of activities is on community building, collaboration, cultural diversity, and human and family issues. Instruction will provide innovative education, research and applications for nonprofit organizations and community practice.

The task force will explore the potential for establishing a cross campus curriculum for a degree or degrees in nonprofit leadership. The planning group will examine all degree options before making a final recommendation.