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September 19, 2006

Photo of mannequins

Give me a hand
Mannequin limbs and body parts, complete with mock lacerations and injuries, are stacked next to a bedridden mannequin patient at a School of Nursing’s clinical assessment facility at the Health Sciences Center. Nursing students use the teaching lab to practice their clinical and patient assessment skills.

Photo: Jeff Miller

Photo of teachers in theatrical workshop

Teachers act their part
Nancy Houfek, professor of theater at Harvard University, leads a workshop for faculty and staff on “The Act of Teaching: Theatrical Tips for Teachers.” During the workshop, Houfek directs participants, including Andrew Winterstein (left), a faculty associate in kinesiology, to consider their body language, gestures and movement while teaching. “Teaching is a performance,” says Houfek. “An actor or musician would never dream of going on stage without warming up, but we think we can go straight from our office — reading e-mail probably — to the classroom. As academics, we mistakenly think our bodies are just there to carry around our big heads.”

Photo: Michael Forster Rothbart