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Five questions with…

September 19, 2006

Photo of Lewis Gilbert

Lewis Gilbert is the associate director of the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.

  1. Describe your job. In my job I have a primary emphasis on the research part [of the Nelson Institute] and I strive to support faculty as they build new research teams and design new research endeavors.
  2. You’re new to campus. When did you begin working here, and what made you want to work at UW–Madison? My daughter and I arrived in Madison in June of 2005. I was excited to join the Nelson Institute because it was an opportunity to join a world-class land grant institution and to advance my understanding of how universities can better organize themselves to support interdisciplinary research.
  3. What is your favorite memory of the university? I was quite fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in the Kauffman [Administrative Development Program] in my first year here. The opportunity to learn about the university and to ask hard questions and have them answered was a great help in advancing my understanding how our campus works and what its strengths and weaknesses are.
  4. What has surprised you most or challenged you most as you have started working at UW–Madison? My challenge has been to learn new reactions and instincts regarding how best to get things done. I think that my colleagues would say that I have made some progress.
  5. What is your favorite place on campus? I really enjoy the edge of Lake Mendota, and my favorite spot for that is the overlook above the Hoofers wind surfing dock. My office is in Science Hall, and when I get stuck on a particular bit of writing or need to ponder how best to address a challenge, I go down there and watch the water and the sky. It clears my mind and more often than not helps me find the next steps I need to take.