If it’s not the tundra, it’s the heat: 5 ways to cope
Extreme temperatures have been predicted in Madison for the next couple of days and we all know what that means. Desperately trying to avoid being outdoors. Don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to stay cool on campus during these next few days as long as you are in the know. Here is a list of the best ways to avoid letting the heat get in the way of your summer fun.
1. Taking advantage of water activities at the Union

(Photo by Jeff Miller / UW–Madison) Photo: Jeff Miller
What’s better than taking a dip in Lake Mendota on a 90-degree day? Enjoying the water activities that the Wisconsin Hoofers have to offer. With paddleboards, kayaking, canoeing and more available, you’ll be sure to beat the heat. Here’s some useful information on a full list of rentals and pricing.
2. Hanging out at the Terrace dock

(Photo by Jeff Miller / UW–Madison) Photo: Jeff Miller
Another great way to beat the heat at Memorial Union is some good old fashioned lake swimming. After your paddleboard session, you can head over to the dock to tan a little or swim off the edge.
3. Getting some work done at Memorial Library

(Photo by Jeff Miller / UW–Madison) Photo: Jeff Miller
We all have that one thing we’ve been pushing off getting done all summer so why not take advantage of the great air conditioning at Memorial Library. That way you can get out of the heat and feel productive!
4. Hiding in Biochemistry

(Photo by Jeff Miller / UW–Madison) Photo: Jeff Miller
If heading to the library is just too depressing for you to handle in the summer there are also some academic buildings with prime air conditioning to hide, such as Biochemistry, which has plenty of unique study sites. Other cool places include the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, and the Education Building lounge.
5. Reading a book at a State Street coffee shop

(Photo by Jeff Miller / UW–Madison)
Another great place to hide is in any one of the coffee shops on and around campus. Many of them have the AC on full blast and are more than happy to offer you an iced beverage while you crack open that book you’ve been saying you’re going to read all summer.
Tags: lake mendota, memorial union, student life, summer