Campus Master Plan open house Sept. 13

The Master Plan Update presentation will include improvements anticipated for campus in the decades to come as well as major planned initiatives and recommendations in building redevelopment, transportation, stormwater and green infrastructure, and landscape development. In this partial view of campus, UW Hospital is at upper left and Camp Randall Stadium near lower right.
The University of Wisconsin–Madison will hold its sixth in a series of public open houses regarding the 2015 Campus Master Plan Update project from 7 to 9 p.m. Sept. 13 in Varsity Hall at Union South, 1308 W. Dayton St.
The presentation will be organized around the master plan theme of “Extending Our History and Embracing Our Future.” It will include information about improvements anticipated for campus in the decades to come as well as major planned initiatives and recommendations presented in the areas of building redevelopment, transportation, stormwater and green infrastructure, and landscape development.
The Campus Master Plan consultant team will be presenting this information in a 60-minute lecture-style format followed by time for discussion and questions. There will be display boards for public interaction with members of the planning team and university staff will be available to answer questions. Refreshments will be provided.
“It has never been more important to define a way forward that reflects our values and our vision for this remarkable place,” says Chancellor Rebecca M. Blank. “The Campus Master Plan will guide us in our efforts to design a strong, sustainable future that honors the history, traditions and spirit of one of the world’s greatest universities.”
Input received at the open house will help guide the master plan team in development of the final plan. This plan will be available in spring 2017 following City of Madison zoning review and approval.
View the most current master plan information, including past presentations, meeting notes and newsletters.
Questions can be emailed to the master plan team.