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Oscar Mayer creates business scholarships for students of color

January 27, 1999

The Oscar Mayer Division of Kraft Foods Inc., has given the School of Business $40,000 to help recruit, retain and educate students of color.

The gift includes a $15,000 scholarship for a graduate student in the field of marketing research, another $15,000 for undergraduate students in business, with the balance used by the school for developing and retaining students of color.

“We recognize the need to do more to attract and retain students of color, and scholarships of this magnitude can help immensely,” Business School Dean Andrew J. Policano says. “I am delighted that Oscar Mayer has come forward to help us with this initiative, which is an important item on our agenda. ”

Robert Drane, Oscar Mayer Vice President-New Products, who is a guest lecturer at the School of Business, says Madison-area employers are finding it hard to recruit students of color to fill marketing and other positions. Oscar Mayer decided to join with the business school to try to change the situation by creating these scholarships.

“We hope other businesses in the area will join us in providing more financial assistance to encourage students of color to study at the UW–Madison School of Business,” Drane said.

Coordinating the gift from Oscar Mayer are Wendy Frye, Senior Brand Manager-New Products and Drane. Scholarships will be awarded to students next fall. For information on how to apply for the scholarships, contact Bill Hébert, Jr., academic advisor and minority student coordinator at the School of Business, (608) 262-6199.

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