Caption: Wes McEachron, an instrument maker in the UW-Madison machine shop, explains the functioning of the Music Hall clock pendulum. The clock was installed in the clocktower of what was then called Assembly Hall in 1879 , and remains gravity-run 125 years later. McEachron has helped maintain the Music Hall clock since 1988, and reports that knowledge of the complex working of the clock has been passed down orally from one generation to the next.
Photo by: Michael Forster Rothbart
Date: May 2004
High-resolution 300 DPI JPEG

Caption: Wes McEachron, an instrument maker in the UW-Madison machine shop.
Photo by: Michael Forster Rothbart
Date: May 2004
High-resolution 300 DPI JPEG

Caption: Clock on Music Hall during a winter night.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Date: December 2000
High-resolution 300 DPI JPEG

Caption: The original master clock and gears still run the Music Hall clocks.
Photo by: Michael Forster Rothbart
Date: May 2004
High-resolution 300 DPI JPEG