Blooming of the Titan Arum: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Botany, June 2001

Fruit development progresses

Photo of peduncle after spadix has been peeld away, revealing fruits

On July 20, 2001, the spadix was removed, leaving the peduncle. The female zone of the pedunclew has over 1000 fruits developing. Each fruit, light orange in color, is three-quarter-inches long and a half-inch wide. Longitudinal and cross sections taken from two fruits that were pollinated by insects revealed that two immature seeds are developing in each fruit.

Photo: Mohammad Fayyaz

Closeup photo of fruits that have been removed for examination

Fruits that were removed from the peduncle measure three-quarter-inches long and a half-inch wide.

Photo: Mohammad Fayyaz

Closeup photo of cross-section of frit showing immature seeds inside

This cross section of the fruit shows the seeds (area in the middle in white color).

Photo: Mohammad Fayyaz

Closeup photo of seed

An immature seed that has been removed from the fruit.

Photo: Mohammad Fayyaz