Message from Provost Paul M. DeLuca, Jr.
July 26, 2010
To all faculty and staff,
I write to provide a brief update on one of our critical campus priorities – implementing change to our research and graduate education structure and enterprise.
Related news
Faculty Senate OKs restructuring of research enterprise
Wisconsin Week, May 5, 2010
Faculty Senate presentation addresses recent resolution
Wisconsin Week, Dec. 9, 2009
Writer seeks to clarify Graduate School reorganization issue
Wisconsin Week, Dec. 9, 2009
Message from Provost Paul M. DeLuca, Jr. Nov. 8, 2009
Faculty Senate OKs slower research overhaul
Wisconsin Week, Nov. 4, 2009
Graduate School proposal aired at meetings Wisconsin Week, Oct. 21, 2009
Chancellor Martin addresses Graduate School proposal Wisconsin Week, Oct. 21, 2009
Message from Provost Paul M. DeLuca, Jr. Sept. 8, 2009
We are now actively engaged in implementing the new structure that was passed by the Faculty Senate in May. The Faculty Senate recommendations included creating a position of Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School. Moving forward, I will continue to work with the appropriate governance committees, and in upcoming weeks, will appoint a search committee to begin a nation-wide search early in the fall semester.
Once the search begins, you will be invited to help identify potential candidates for the position.
Note, too, that the recommendations included a transfer of some reporting units to the Vice Chancellor of Administration. We have started that process and we fully anticipate a smooth transition.
Graduate School Dean Martin Cadwallader has agreed to serve in his leadership role during this important time, continuing his dedicated service to our campus and the missions of research and graduate education.
Your continued attention to this important initiative will help ensure that we create the best structure for our research and graduate education missions.