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UW statement on student-produced clothing line

September 20, 2017

UW-Madison released the following statement on Sept. 20 in response to questions about the an unaffiliated student-produced clothing line.

“UW-Madison strives to provide a welcoming and inclusive campus environment, while allowing everyone to share ideas and political views in exercise of their free speech rights.

However, the university strongly condemns the glorification of violence such as that contained in the promotion of a student-produced clothing line.

We support our police partners, reject violence and violent imagery as tactics to achieve political objectives.

All citizens have the rights to express political beliefs that others may find objectionable, or even counter to the values of the institution.

The individual in this situation is engaging in a private business activity, unrelated to his status as a UW–Madison student. The clothing in question is not produced, nor endorsed by UW–Madison.”